Landmark Baptist Church is a people who worship the God of the Bible. Because of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection we gather on the Lord's Day to hear the Word sung, prayed, and preached. In joyful obedience we bear one another's burdens, encourage and instruct one another, and praise and glorify the Lord - our only Hope in life and in death.
We invite you to join us!
We invite you to join us!
Sunday Morning
10:00 a.m.
Sunday Evening
(first Sunday of the Month)
5:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
We gather for about an hour and fifteen minutes to sing hymns (both modern and ancient), to pray, and to hear the Scriptures preached. Childcare is available for children under the age of four. Children who sit in the main worship service are given a weekly worship guide to help them as they learn to worship alongside their parents.
After a fifteen minute break, we have Discussion Groups for about forty minutes where adults and teens think through the sermon and apply it together. At this time, children age K4 - 6th grade also meet for classes.
After our Discussion Groups there are a number of families who stay and fellowship over lunch in our gym. Guests are invited to stay and eat with us to build relationships.
After a fifteen minute break, we have Discussion Groups for about forty minutes where adults and teens think through the sermon and apply it together. At this time, children age K4 - 6th grade also meet for classes.
After our Discussion Groups there are a number of families who stay and fellowship over lunch in our gym. Guests are invited to stay and eat with us to build relationships.