"We exist to share the hope and love of Jesus with women in the adult entertainment industry."

-Scarlet Hope Mission

What is it? 

On Thursday of each week, trained volunteers within the Scarlet Hope ministry go out in teams to several adult entertainment clubs in our city to provide a meal for and eat with the women in those clubs. This outreach is a unique way to use a warm meal as a means to build connection with these women, so the gospel of Christ can be shared with them, providing hope for a new life and freedom in Jesus. Scarlet Hope also provides a plethora of other services for women who are saved and come out of the adult entertainment industry, as they seek to rebuild their lives in meaningful ways. You can visit the Scarlet Hope website for more information about their ministry.
Where the ladies of our church come into this, is by simply providing a meal for 30 people on the fourth Thursday of each month.

Scarlet Hope provides us a meal theme, with food item suggestions. Then we each sign up for various parts of the meal. One of us then coordinates receiving the food and delivering the meal to Scarlet Hope's ministry house (near St. Matthews) on that fourth Thursday. We, of course, pray as we prepare the food that the Lord will be pleased to use our small efforts in His kingdom work of saving souls and rescuing these women out of darkness and placing them into His marvelous light!

How do we coordinate? 

How do we get involved? 

Our team lead coordinates the efforts. The week before our assigned meal, she sends a message out to the group with the meal theme/item suggestions from SH, asking for each member to communicate what item they would like to contribute to the meal that month.

Since we provide for 30 people, we typically split up the main dish between 2 ladies (each providing for 15) and then each lady who provides a side/dessert makes enough for 30. There is flexibility on this, and we work things out within the group together.

The commitment level is flexible as well. Some provide an item every month, while others are more flexible. If a member can't contribute for whatever reason on a particular month, that is completely fine, as we can usually cover the meal among the other members. But, as we have more involvement, it will alleviate those who contribute every month--so the more the merrier!
Food items can either be brought to church on the Wednesday night before our drop off date and placed in the church kitchen/fridge, or to church/team lead's home before noon on Thursday, so it can be organized and delivered before 4pm. Each member should communicate with the team lead, so she knows where and when to expect their food item.

We are to deliver the items to SH ready to eat (either hot/cold respectively) and they will keep them in warmers or in the fridge at SH until they bring them to the clubs around 7pm. That said, we can reheat items, as necessary, prior to delivery (particularly with items brought to church Wednesday night) but would just need some advance notice if that is required.

Items are to be delivered in aluminum pans with either foil on top or the flat aluminum lids that crimp on the edges (SH recommends these as the best option for transport). These kind are more difficult to find in stores, but Amazon sells them in bulk for a cheaper "per pan" price, if interested. We are to label the food with our club number and what the food item is using sticky notes (NOT permanent markers on the foil). Our club number is Club 21.

If you have further questions, feel free to reach out through the link above. Thank you for considering having a part in this monthly ministry!
BsideU for Life

"At BsideU for Life, we offer free and confidential medical services, options counseling, education, and support so you can find clarity in your next step." 

-BsideU For Life